Human Resources
The Human Resources Department is at the heart of every organization. One of our district goals is to recruit, select, and retain quality employees to educate and serve the students of the Soquel Union Elementary School District. Highly qualified teachers and top-performing support staff are the keys to successful schools. In addition, Human Resources provide daily guidance and support for district employees. As an employee of the Soquel Union Elementary School District, you will be joining an outstanding team of dedicated professionals who continue to strive to meet the needs of all of our students.
Current Employment Opportunities: EdJoin
Salary Schedules
2024-25 Classified Salary Schedule
2024-25 Certificated Salary Schedule
2024-25 Counselor 195 Salary Schedule
2024-25 Certificated Administrative Salary Schedule
2024-25 Licensed Professional Salary Schedule
2024-25 Classified Management Salary Schedule
2024-25 Classified Confidential Salary Schedule
2024-25 Superintendent Salary Schedule
2024-25 Assistant Superintendent Salary Schedule
Calendars 2024-2025
2024- 25 Elementary School Student Calendar
2024- 25 Elementary School Student Calendar (Spanish)
2025- 25 Middle School Student Calendar
2025- 25 Middle School Student Calendar (Spanish)
2024- 25 Psychologist & Nurse Calendar
2024- 25 Classified 11-Month Calendar
2024- 25 Classified 12-Month Calendar
2024- 25 Classified 183-184 Day Calendar
2024- 25 Lead Bus Driver Calendar
Calendars 2025-2026
2025- 26 Elementary School Student Calendar
2025- 26 Elementary School Student Calendar (Spanish)
2025- 26 Middle School Student Calendar
2025- 26 Middle School Student Calendar (Spanish)
2025- 26 Psychologist & Nurse Calendar
2025- 26 Classified 11-Month Calendar
2025- 26 Classified 12-Month Calendar
2025- 26 Classified 183-184 Day Calendar
2025- 26 Lead Bus Driver Calendar​
Volunteer Requirements Packet (English)​
Volunteer Requirements Packet (Spanish)​
Employee Classified/Certificated Timesheet
EWR (Extra Work Agreement) Timesheet
Payroll Forms
Automatic Deposit EFT Form
W4 (2025)
Personnel Forms
Employee Acceptable Use Agreement Technology for Use Form
Personal Business/Personal Necessity Form
School Business-Bereavement-Unpaid Leave Form
Resignation Form
SUESD Certificated Evaluation Handbook
Vacation-Comp Time-Floating Holiday Request Form
Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment Questionnaire
SUESD Spanish Bilingual Exam FAQ​
CSEA Contract (2022-25)
SEA Tentative Agreement (21-22 / 22-23)
SEA Tentative Agreement (23-24)
Employee Portals and Links
Keenan SafeSchools Training Portal
​California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Poster
Transgender Rights in the Workplace Poster
Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee Poster
Family Care and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave Poster