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Find out how SUESD supports youth and families experiencing homelessness through education and partnerships.


McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
What is McKinney–Vento?

McKinney–Vento is a federal law that offers rights and protection to families in difficult or transitional living situations. All children of school age who are homeless are entitled to the same free and appropriate public education that is provided for non-homeless students.  Schools are required to remove any barriers, including enrollment, attendance, and academic success of homeless students. 



McKinney-Vento 101 Short Video:



Who Qualifies for Services? - Definition of Homelessness in Education
The McKinney-Vento Assistance Act ensures that children and youth, considered homeless or living in transitional housing, have the same educational rights and protection as all other school children and youth. The federal government’s legal definition of homelessness based on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is students who lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, which includes:

  • Shared housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason

  • Living in a car, park, RV park, campsite, or similar location, hotel or motel, homeless shelter, or transitional housing.

  • Children or youth living in bus stations, abandoned buildings, substandard housing facilities (e.g., no water, no heat, no electricity, no plumbing, or infestation), public or private places not designed for or ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. Children or youth living in a shed or uncovered garage.

  • Unaccompanied minors (children & youth under the age of 18, not in the physical custody of a parent or court appointed guardian).

  • Migratory children or youth who qualify as homeless because they are children who are living in similar circumstances as homeless children and youth.


If this describes your family’s living situation, or if you are a student not living with a parent or guardian, please contact your District Homeless Liaison.



Educational Rights of Eligible Children and Youth


Homeless Liaison
Federal legislation requires school districts to select a homeless liaison to ensure students in homeless situations are identified, enrolled and assisted in receiving educational services, and have transportation to and from school. Homeless Liaisons are also required to assist unaccompanied youth select and enroll in school.


School Selection
Students have the right to stay in their “school of origin” for the duration of their homelessness and until the end of the academic year in which they move into permanent housing. This selection is at the request of the parent or unaccompanied youth. A school of origin is defined as the school that the child attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child was last enrolled.


Parents or guardians of students in homeless situations can keep their children in the schools of origin or enroll them in any public school that students living in the same attendance area are eligible to attend. Enrollment includes participating fully in school activities. Students have the right to enroll in school immediately, even if they do not have the required documents: school records, birth certificate, medical and immunization records, or proof of residency.


Free school meals
Homeless students are eligible for free meals at school. Documentation may be submitted by the parent, homeless liaison, or shelter representative.


Homeless students must be provided with transportation to and from their school of origin at parent or guardian request. Transportation services include crossing district boundaries or providing special education bussing. If the student transportation needs cross district boundaries, the two districts must determine how to divide the responsibility and cost, or share it equally.


We offer subsidized and free public bus passes for students who qualify. For more information you may contact your district liaison (see table above) or call Erika Cortes at 831.466.5666.


Special Programs
Students should also receive the same special programs and services as provided to other children, including GATE, special education, migrant education, and vocational education.


Homeless youth have the right to receive the same public education that all youth enjoy, including the right to attend public preschool.


Dispute Resolution
Whenever there is a disagreement, the school must immediately enroll and transport the student, as the parent wishes, until the dispute is resolved. The Homeless Liaison from the school, district or county mediates disputes between schools and families. All resolutions not favoring the family must be documented and hand delivered to the parent.


No Segregation
Law prohibits homeless students or unaccompanied youth from being separated from the mainstream school environment. They cannot be segregated in separate schools, separate programs within schools, or separate settings within schools. The law includes before-, during-, and after-school programs.



Educational Needs of McKinney-Vento Students


Academic Achievement
Congress has specified that students in homeless situations should have access to the education they need to ensure that they have opportunities to meet the same challenging state academic achievement standards to which all students are held.


The Effects of Homelessness
Families experiencing homelessness are in a state of transition and crisis, affecting all aspects of the children’s lives. Students may find it difficult to get to school on time, and may be hungry, sleepy, unprepared, as well as show emotional behaviors at school. Important school and medical records may have been lost in the transition. Homework may be incomplete because the family is attending to the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Students may sleep in class because they have been trying to sleep in a car or noisy room with many others. Students may also behave emotionally, as they sort through their emotions (anger, fear, mistrust, depression) associated with housing instability.


Identifying students that are homeless
Parents, schools, and shelters must work together to ensure homeless students are identified and assisted by school personnel. Parents and students often feel uncomfortable telling others that they are homeless, but this is important for schools to know.




Resources for Parents/Students

McKinney-Vento Housing Questionnaire

Educational Posters


Resources for Educators

Educator HUB Resource and Information Drive

Ed Laws Impacting McKinney-Vento Students

HETAC Website (Homeless Education Technical Assistance Center)

SchoolHouse Connection 

NHCE (National Center for Homeless Education)

CDE (California Department of Education)


Community-Based Resources 

County Housing Support - Request for Connector Services Form [Housing]

Stepping Up Santa Cruz Resource Guide [County comprehensive resource guides]

United Way 2-1-1 [County comprehensive resource guide]

Mountain Community Resources [Local resources]

San Lorenzo Valley Emergency [Local resources for emergency preparation] 

Welcoming Network [Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support]

Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County [Legal/Immigration Support)

Hope’s Closet [Children clothing support]

Youth Resource Bank [Children clothing support]

Santa Cruz Mountain Health Center [Medical and behavioral health support]

Valley Churches United [For food, rent, utilities and transportation]

For additional resource guidance, please contact the SLV Craddle to Career Community Organizer, Claudia Oblea at 916-270-5237 or


Data on Homelessness in Education

Annual Count of Homeless Students in Schools in Santa Cruz County

California Department of Education DataQuest

GIS (Geographic Information System) Map



McKinney-Vento Liaison Contact Information:

Carissa Lemos
Director of Student Services
Soquel Union Elementary School District
(831) 464-5631

Erika Cortes
Homeless Project Coordinator, Students in Transition Program
Santa Cruz County Offices of Education
(831) 466-5666 

Mission Statement

Staff, students, parents, and the community help ensure that each child develops the skills and character necessary for lifelong achievement and responsible citizenship in a diverse world.

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